Sophie Ward is one of the most amazing women I know. She’s strong and supersoft at the same time, talented and ethereal, giddily fun and uber-productive and a die-hard romantic. She was definitely a first choice for our campaign WE POWER THE PLANET due to her passion about health and her successful, vibrant life which is a reflection of her beautiful insides.
I’ve been in awe of her ever since I met her years ago and am so pleased that she’s here inspiring us in MANA world. She’ll be trying MANA out for us and sharing her thoughts with us real soon.
“The shadows can’t find you when you become the thing a shadow can never be…. a PERSON, and a powerful one at that.” – Sophie Ward
1. What excites you most about life right now, Sophie? Creating the future – for young people, for my loved ones, for the Earth, and for myself. It’s a great thing to be able to co-create wonderful things while we’re alive: fantastical stories, living narratives, joy, comfort and peace, beautiful love, beautiful food, beautiful experiences. It’s my firm belief that life is meant to be great, and it’s up to us to create it that way. Dedication, generosity, communication and passion further the vision.
2. You recently told me that you’re always looking for new ways to improve your health. What drives this? That curiosity is driven by interest in creating optimal energy for my body and mind in the face of ever-shifting commitments and responsibilities. Life is always changing, and it shapes us as we shape it. I’m interested in listening to my body as it changes and is shaped by my own shaping.
3. You are currently writing another book, a recipe book with your mother, and your publishing house, Paper Castle Press, goes from strength to strength. How do you feel your personal productivity and creativity is affected by your health? When I feel healthy, I act healthily. There are always a lot of actions to take on an everyday basis, and it takes stamina, energy, and power (without force) to take on all that I have chosen in life. I expect things will only get ever more interesting. Eating well is part of my health insurance!
4. How do you think we can better educate our children about food? What would that look like in your household? Education! Fun! Our friend created Super Sprowtz, a fun television show starring vegetable muppets which will run before Sesame Street. My husband also makes some incredible food, and between us, we can fit a surprising number of vegetables into a sitting. I believe that when parents eat well and nurture their children the way they do themselves, their children’s habits develop accordingly. That being said, I’m not yet a mother, so who knows what challenges lay ahead. I do know that forcing children to eat only one way or inhibiting ‘bad’ foods only swings them out into rebellion. Balance is the best mantra.
This woman knows how to live with grace, colour, health, food and friends.
An article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 87, No. 1, 142-149, January 2008) reveals that supplementation with vitamin C ascorbate devastates the muscle, causing impairment in mitochondrial function, loss of endurance, and inhibition of the body’s own antioxidant enzymes superoxide dimutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxide. Levels of SOD and glutathione enzyme are known markers of health and any substance that causes a substantial decrease in the levels of these essential antioxidant enzymes, disrupts the body’s immune system, lowering the capacity to resist infection and disease. In this case, rather than being a beneficial antioxidant, vitamin C ascorbate has shown to work as an adverse pro-oxidant. Says Trent Watson, accredited practising dietitian and Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson,
“Large scale studies have consistently shown there is little benefit of taking megadoses of supplements. There is some good evidence that taking high dose supplements to prevent or cure chronic diseases, such as heart disease or cancer, may be in fact harmful.”
There simply is no substitute for an excellent diet, just as much as there is no quick fix pill for a poor diet. Taking care that we are eating a variety of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and boosting our diets with food-based vitamin supplements such as MANA BLEND is absolutely vital for wholistic health and longevity. The vitamins and minerals that are in MANA BLEND have been processed from the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet which are then processed at cool temperatures meaning that none of the nutritional value of the ingredient is lost. It is far wiser to invest in ethical, integral products such as MANA BLEND than in cheap synthetic versions that have the adverse effect on your health that you are desiring. Get your MANA BLEND here, today!